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ITOC Committee Independent Taxpayer Oversight Committee


Independent Taxpayer Oversight Committee

September 26, 2024 – 4:00 pm

801 12th Street, 5th Floor – Sacramento, CA 95814

Or join the meeting virtually instructions follow in the addendum.


Voting Members:             Robert Holderness, Chair

                                         Jose Luis Caceres

Ex-Officio Members:       Mark Aspesi (Sacramento County Auditor-Controller designee)

                                         David Tait (STA Chair Appointee)

                                         Kevin Bewsey (STA Executive Director)

Staff:                                Dustin Purinton (STA Accounting Manager)


1.    Call to order.


2.    Comments from the public regarding matters not on the agenda.


3.    Review and approve minutes from the August 22, 2024, meeting. ◄


4.    Executive Director summary of the September 12, 2024, STA Board meeting and any current initiatives.


a.    SB 1 Local Partnership Program (Competitive) Project Ranking Process

b.    Presentation On Enhancing Our Digital Presence: Our New Website And Boosting Social Media Engagement        

c.     Presentation On Measure A Accomplishments Over The Past 15 Years

d.    SMART 2026 Ballot Measure Concept


5.    Southeast Connector JPA Presentation


6.    Review Capital Status Reports – For the Quarter Ending June 30, 2024.


7.    Review Measure A Ongoing Quarterly Reports – For the Quarter Ending June 30, 2024.


8.    Review SCTMFP Impact Fee Reports – For the Year Ending June 30, 2024


9.    Discuss Audit Status.


a.    Performance Audit – Drafting Reports

b.    Financial Statement Audit – Fieldwork 9/16 to 10/4

c.    Both of these audits will be presented at the November 7th ITOC Meeting

d.    Discuss presentation to the Board of Directors


10.  Comments of ITOC Members




Denotes items that require Committee action